With this being My first 2D fighter i cannot compare to any of these "better" titles.

User Rating: 7.2 | SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom XBOX
SNK vs Capcom : Chaos , is the first 2d-fighter i have played since ..the days when all there were , were 2d fighters , so maybe its the novelty that has made me enjoy this game so much .

AS i understand the Snk vs Capcom games for the xbox have produced some much better fighters , so without playing those , its hard to reconmened to anyone to buy this game , all i can say is for a first timer this was no disapointment.

I havent played Street Fighter since i rented it back in 96 and i have not played a King of fighters game in my life , so these fighters who have become Iconic to many games around the world , were all new to me .

being used to 3d fighters of late such as Tekken 1&2 , Xman: next dimenson and the Mortal kombat games , it was a refreshing change to play a 2d beat em up ,
the graphics are crisp , without any lag , or framerate issues to date ( offline) , thje models look ngreat and the levels are nicely designed even if they only serve as backgrounds and the sound is out of this world , that music just gets me pumping everytime . the war-crys , thumps , slaps and smashes are all superb offering a very arcade feel , but i guess this is common in most 2D fighters.

The presentation is interesting with the Arcade mode including pre-match conversations ( text) witch are pretty entertaining . once your defeated a Continue menu comes up with different options including turning the difficulty down a notch and having the CPU start with a 3rd of its normal health . Maybe i have not done everything in arcade mode yet , but for the times i have , the endings are all the same .

Other than Aracde mode there are Practice and survival like modes. An art gallery of sorts , a Vs mode and a nice feature called Colour edit.

Colour edit is where you can change one of the fighters's colors and names. With the way the colour edit part is laid out with individual colour options for every shade/shadow of the costumes , you can make some good looking fighters. then you can save it to your hardrive , but it does not over-wright on any of the default costumes. these home made costumes can be chosen with the White button.

The gameplay is nice and fun , with frantic/fast action packed bouts. With this being My first 2D fighter i cannot compare to any of these "better" titles.
But overall i didnt have any issues with the controls or anythine else.

Overall this game was a nice change from 3d fighters and its a decent all-round fighter with some great touches. If this isnt one of the best 2d titles , then i cant wait to get one of the best , because SVC Chaos was a fun , refreshing , action pact fighting adventure. If you havent jumped into the 2d world yet , this is a good title to start off with.