This is the same game as Super Street Fighter 2 turbo from back in the 90's, it's just prettier.

User Rating: 8 | Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix PS3
Really nothing much has changed here. This is the same game as Super Street Fighter 2 turbo from back in the 90's, it's just alot prettier.

The game is a straight forward one on one head to head fighting game. The game plays the same as its predecessors which isn't a bad thing. The character models and backgrounds look great and the sound quality is good. I have noticed though there seems to be some frame rate issues when both characters jump up at the same time. Other than that the game is a fun fighter with a lot of challenge.

The Quality of the picture varies from TV to TV. The one I currently play on projects in 720p and it looks very nice. I also have the Sony Component cables (Gr/B/R/WR) instead of the regular Y/R/W composite cables that comes with the PS3.

Also along with the game download you get the original version which for some reason seems to be easier to me. So you get two good games, although they are the same game, for $14.99 off the Playstation Network.