I can't remember a thing from Calculus, but I still remember all the movesets!

User Rating: 8 | Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix PS3
If you didn't grow up in the day of Streetfighter II at the arcade, you're probably wondering what the heck all the fuss is about. Are there more in-depth fighting games with greater customizing availibility, etc? Sure. But none were as revolutionary as Streetfighter (and MK).

Seeing a simple HD version of this classic makes me sorely wish Midway hadn't dropped the ball so terribly with it's Mortal Kombat franchise over the years. Wouldn't it be great to reminisce with Streetfighter II AND MK? Anyway...

From a purely nostalgic standpoint, the HD remix is awesome. It's great to relive the old glory days of quarter-pumping, finger-aching lines at the local arcade at the local mall, in full 50" Plasma television glory. $15? I can't even imagine how much I spent on the game at the arcade back in the day.

From a gaming standpoint, the depth of characters and movesets, especially considering the time period, are pretty great.

If it weren't for the brutal, brutal AI, I'd give this one an even better rating. Also, there's not much to do rather than just go one on one endlessly- which can admittedly get stale if you don't have a stable of friends to compete with. The rewards for completing single player with the different characters don't really go any farther than personal pride.

Sometimes special moves can be particularly difficult to input, and the CPU is flawless at it. That can be terribly frustrating. Unless you devote hundreds of hours at refining your skills with a single fighter, some are inherently much better than others. That imbalance can be agitating as well.

In short, Streetfighter II lives up to the nostalgic element, and still holds up well in its own right, but just barely. The younger generation may grab in and just not "get it," and be disappointed.