Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo was one of the best in the series and this update of the game is not to be missed.

User Rating: 9 | Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix PS3
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo was one of the finest Street Fighter games back in the early days and with nicer visuals and online play it certainly worth getting this.


The characters from the previous Super Street Fighter return. Old favourites like Ryu,Ken,Blanka,Sagat and Chun Li and the others return and look great.


The game feels more balanced than before and it does seem to take alot of skill to win most matches so you just can't keep firing Hadoukens or Sonic Booms. The characters have been updated with new moves. like Blanka now has a slide attack. The gameplay has hardly changed and thats actually a good thing because theold school Street Fighter games were fun .

Online is quiet good as well but getting into matches can be hard. There is a friendly lobby which is winner stays on and says how many slots there are like 4 people in a room out of 6 meaning another 2 could join that lobby. You also get to watch the matches as well. There's a scoreboard lobby where you can get in a quick match. It can be difficult at times but some matches end up being great with little lag. The damage you receive can swing a match and watch out for a Super Combo because if that hits it shall give the opponent the match. It can take time to master but once you do it really is fun. The only critcism is apart from online no new modes have been for the game which is a bit of a shame.

Sound and Graphics

The stages have all been given remixes like Ryus and Kens theme but they sound really good. The graphics look stunning you can see the detail on characters. It really does show things like the shiny Super Combo Finishes and the way certain characters look is excellent.


It should be great playing with your mates at your house and if not online is there to keep you entertained.

Overall Opinion

If you loved the old school Street Fighter then I say pick it up for a very cheap price off the Playstation Store. Maybe even if you have Street Fighter 4 you should check it out. This game is a bit of a bargain and should feel like old school Street Fighter. Only with updated graphics and online play. It is one fine fighter that is probably worth downloading.Veterans of the series will love this and for people who haven't played shall probably like it too.