Although the graphics were a little bit on the rough edge, its still a solid fighting to play with friends.

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Smash Bros. N64
I remembered playing Super Smash Bros. with my best friends when I was a little kid. I always had a lot of fun playing it with my friends over the years. Although the graphics were a little bit on the rough edge, Super Smash Bros. is still a solid fighting to play with friends.

The presentation has a career, up to four players, break the targets, board the platforms, and options mode. In career mode, you select any character that is available, and you can choose the difficulty level. It goes from very easy to very hard, and you can choose from one stock to five stocks. Your objective is to defeat all of the characters from stage to stage. In the middle of the career mode, you run across the break the targets and board the platforms later on. Once you defeat the master hand at the end, the credits begin to appear. You can aim at the names as much as you can; it lets you know how many times you were aiming at them. The four unlockable characters are Luigi, Jigglypuff, Ness, and Captain Falcon. You have to complete a certain objective in order to unlock those characters and the Mushroom Kingdom stage. The environments are very detailed, and colorful, but the character models still look somewhat blocky and pixilated. Why do all Nintendo 64 games have blocky graphics? Maybe they couldn't use higher resolutions back then.

The music, on the other hand, is just plain amazing to listen to. Each character has theme music on each of their stages. The theme music was straight up from their games, and they made it sound a little bit more like battle theme music. The sound effects and announcer is also spot on and accurate.

The controls are tight and responsive. Each character has own special moves. All of them still have some similar moves, like jumping, using a bubble for a shield, and pressing the Z button to grab an opponent.

Overall, this is a solid fighting that Nintendo fans should not miss. I would recommend Super Smash Bros. to everybody, and it is a must have for the Nintendo 64 or the virtual console on the Wii.





Lasting Approval-8

Overall 8.6 out of 10 Gamespot Score 8.5 out of 10