Great super smash bros game.

User Rating: 8 | Super Smash Bros. N64
This is a very great Nintendo 64 game.This is a great fighting game but this is not the best super smash bros.This game has good gameplay the graphics arent that great but I guess are ok for a 1999 game.This is a fun game but does not have a big roster but this does have a good roster.This is a type of game that most people will like.Nintendo did a great job at making this game.This is fun.The game has good modes.This game does have unlockables.This Nintendo 64 game has good places to fight at.This has very famous characters like mario and more.this game is a great game for everyone to play anyone can play this super smash bros game.This is not the best nintendo 64 game but this is sure a awesome one.This does not have a very huge roster.This is a classic and a great one to.Score:8.25 out of 10.