This game is so much fun to play.

User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. N64
Super Smash Bros. is an amazing start to this franchise, I have played it a lot and I still come back to it when I get to play a Nintendo 64, (I don't have one anymore).

Game play:

Basically you fight, but when more damage is taken to a player, the further they will go when struck, and you have to knock your opponent(s) off of the screen. In single player, you can play through a mode where you fight with the other characters, you can train, you can break targets, or do board the platforms. The multiplayer, you just fight, and you can choose what items drop, and other settings.


The controls are very good, really easy to learn, and overall, I have no problems with the controls.

Challenge level:

On single player, you can choose the difficulty, very easy, easy, normal, hard, or very hard. I prefer normal, because it has a decent balance of difficulty. I do think that the Yoshi team stage should have been first because it is the easiest in my opinion, but it is the second stage. I find out of the 3 Super Smash Bros. games, this one you are most likely to fall of the edge which is a good thing, because it makes it more challenging, I like that. Now, in multiplayer, you can play with just you and an AI character, and they sometimes don't attack, even on higher levels, which is a little annoying because then they are too easy to fight, but overall, the challenge level is pretty good.


I have so much fun with this game. The single player mode is fun even though it is the same thing each time you play it. There are 3 bosses in it, which are Giant Donkey Kong, Metal Mario, and Master Hand. They are pretty good battles, I like fighting Master Hand the most out of the 3, but the other 2 are pretty fun though. Overall, the single player is good. The multiplayer is fun, but you will probably want at least one other person playing against you, because if you play against the AI, it can get boring.

Overall, I really enjoy this game, it is one of my favourite Nintendo 64 games, and one of my favourite games of all time. I give this game a 10/10.