Super M.A.S.H. Bros.

User Rating: 5 | Super Smash Bros. N64
Super Smash Bros-a new franchise created on the N64 but it has a spin-off status, a spin-off from the Mario platformers of course.Same thing is with Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Tennis, Mario Bla-Bla-Bla-i hate them-i hate them all!Too childish & they are not worth playing from my point of view...well, only if you have a bad taste in gaming or if you're 5, 10 or 15 years old.
I don't know why i gave this game a 7.0, probably because it's an instant classic for gamers around the world that's why but i simply don't understand what's all the fuss about.You have 8 Nintendo Characters to play with+4 to be unlocked & you have a mindless game with no horizon.The gameplay is horrible & the graphics are ughhh.The best part of the game is that you hear tunes from a lot of Nintendo Classics & when Mario picks-up the hammer from Donkey Kong(1981, his very first appearance) & starts to Smash the opponents.There is no other fun generated by this game, i swear.During battles you can jump in the air & pick all sorts of weapons & stuff that suddenly appear to aid you & you jumps from platforms & fool around.There are 20 Stages & numerous Bonus Rounds.At the end of the Game you fight Master wait, Master Hand lol:) Probably Miyamoto's Hand i don't know:)Man, i have nothing with the N64-it has a lot of fantastic games but i don't like all this random stuff, all this stupid pointless spin-offs & things that milk the Major franchises, games like Marvel vs Capcom...Tatsunoko vs Capcom....Mortal Kombat vs DC, this is sooo lame, i can't stop laughing=))If you're a mature person & want to play fighting games, don't waster your time with such things & play the real franchises like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat or Soul Calibur & others.
This game was created by Hal Laboratories, the company that also made Kirby's Dream Land 3 which is also a dissapointing game.Sorry, i'm just so sorry-this is not the type of game i want to waste my time with.It deserves lower than 7.0 but it's an Instant Classic like i said.