Best game ever, you can fight your friends or team up with them, you can change CPU levels to make it easier or harder.

User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. N64
Everyone loves a game where you beat the other person up, moms love the cartoon graphics and there are awesome characters with unique fighting technique for every individual and the fact you can change the level of the CPU and give yourself a handicap makes for lots of different challenges, hard and easy. One of my friends favorite things is you can select what items drop on the battle field and how often they do so.(this screen only appears after 100 multi-player battles)
Being able to play team or free for all against CPU's or friends or both makes it a great single player ad multiplayer game.
I like that single player isn't an eternity long but it isn't so quick your like what was the point of that. Once again being able to decide what level the CPU are makes it fun for bad players and challenging for really good, blow your mind away players.