This is more a rental game but if you friends who like it then it's the best multiplayer N64 game that you can buy.

User Rating: 7.5 | Super Smash Bros. N64
This is a fun game but it's not got that much replay value if you just play it alone. Even the multiplayer can get old after a while. There are only 4 unlockable characters and that's just about all there is to the game. All of them are incredably easy to unlock and you can get everything in the game unlocked in just one sitting.

This isn't your average fighting game instead of health you have percentage health. The more you get hit the higher your percentage will go up and the farther you'll fly when you get hit. The objective of the game is to knock your opponent out of the fighting arena thus defeating him. This is all the game boils down to and get repetative and boring after a while.

The graphics are very good and the stages you fight in look great too. The only problem I had with them is that Samus looks a little bit too blocky.

The sound is OK. All the character except for Samus are voiced. The music in the stages is music from whatever game the stage is from.

This game won't last you very long and if you don't have anyone to play versus with then it can get very old very quick. I wouldn't recomend buying it but since you really can't find it anywhere anymore and the N64 is pretty old you probaly won't anyway.