The single best Nintendo 64 game ever.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. N64
I'm not against the new Super Smash Bros. for Wii, or even the Smash Bros. for Game Cube, but this one is the original. It's the classic fighting is for all ages and skill levels.
There are twelve different characters to choose from, which also means twelve characters to master because each has different skills. You can get good at these characters in one player mode. These include: Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Fox, Link, my personal favorite, Captain Falcon, and more too. Oh, and the player you favor all depends on who you are.
The multiplayer couldn't be better either. Super Smash Bros. is the ideal game to pull out when friends are over (assuming you have a Nintendo).
Having all the necessities of a good fighting game, this classic Nintendo 64 game is definitely one, if not the best, that Nintendo has to offer.