Awesome graphics, Awesome characters, and Awesome gameplay. I just wish it was fun instead of annoying

User Rating: 2 | Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WIIU

With all of the extra bells and whistles they've added, prepare to be annoyed approximately 98% of the time while playing. The blatant deliberate CPU-favor/priority makes playing a 15-20 minute smash tour utterly worthless. I mean... I've mustard up some great patience to tolerate brawl; however, this title rendition takes the cake. Most of the time I played I found myself annoyed to the point that winning just wasn't good enough. I very rarely find games that are so painfully annoying that I have to rant on a public forum about it and this is one. In fact; I would go on record to say that I have probably more frustrated playing this game than any other and simply winning just doesn't cut it.

Each time I play I am insulted by this egregious AI that can cause you to immediately lose(Seriously, I am not kidding. I've played games in which I plyed perfecly not losing a match and persisting in lead powerup; however, the CPU can just make a random star appear, take everyone's items and just win out of the blue which they do almost all the time on this one. OMG IT'S SO ANNOYING. "...Playing this game is like playing against a snotty kid with all of the cheat codes permanently activated against you. It has been times after the match results came where i had to think to myself "Is Nintendo insulting us for buying their games?" The only reason this question comes to mind is the fact that I know that some developer/manager/thinker had to know or at least have an idea that a player starting a match and immediately losing to the CPU always spawning 1-Hit KO items next to the CPU players(This is the biggest prorblem for this game to me this brought my rating from a 9.5 to a 2.

The reason I rated it a (2) Terrible is because the game is more annoying than it is fun. This painful AI made a could-be amazing experience into full-fledged complain sessions.

:-( 2 thumbs down for soooo many 1-Hit KO items and the CPU's deliberate use of it's own exploits against you.