Quacking irritating but still quite enjoyable

User Rating: 6.7 | Super Rub a Dub PS3
Super rub-a-dub...

A downloadable game for the ps3 and if you can manage to drag yourself through the process of getting the damn thing through that inane wallet system then yes. its pretty good.

The first few levels were enjoyable albeit slightly retching ( the pink baths and fluffy cloud background accompanied by that incessant cheerful music looped over and over again wore thin quickly)

As the game progressed it (as all games do) got more and more difficult. That’s fine. What wasn’t was the infuriating controls, more specifically the controls for jumping. I say jumping. its more a case of.... throwing yourself aimlessly into the air letting all hell take control of your controller and hope Satan is in good enough humour to let you land somewhere in the damned bath. When i first saw what this was based on all those years back at e3 i was very exited, as i was when i first downloaded it to play. however when i saw no actual... bath shaped playing field to speak of and a circulating rabble of ducked filled bubbles in what can only be described as a contemporary kiddie pool, not a pirate ship in sight. i have to say i was disappointed.

Graphically its more what i expected from the game but exactly what i expected from the ps3. Service it to say, it’s very good. aside from that i felt a great sense of poetic justice playing as the shark eating all those insufferable ducks which otherwise would happily bound into the path of a giant shark or happily bound of the map all together.

a strong or at least prominent aspect of this game is the leader board. if you or the sort who is determined to make their presence known about the scoreboard then you are certain to come back to this game to topple the 3 or so names dominating the top spots on all the boards and hope to score yourself a golden duck for your efforts. i was very pleased to find that if you are having difficulties with some of the harder levels then you can watch how the highest scoring person on the leader board managed to do it in about 2 seconds. Chances are you wont be able to do it as well as they did but you can at least see how vastly better at it they are then you. if you are a fan of the monkey ball series and are desperate for a change from monkeys, bananas and a third person view. Then i would strongly recommend getting this. If you have a ps3, i also recommend getting this IF you finished flow and whatever other games you have for it... as nothing really worth mentioning is coming out anytime soon. so this should tide you over for a good weekend or so