Better than I expected, well worth seeing the smile on my girlfriends face.

User Rating: 7.5 | Super Rub a Dub PS3
At first I downloaded the demo and instantly rejected it as a simple gimmick. I thought to myself 'If I wanted to play games like this I would have bought a Wii'. It wasn't till I showed my girlfriend this game that I saw its potential. Its a simple puzzle game, like I am used to from many years ago playing on consoles like the Master System and others of that time. But what was different about this is the game is controlled by the actual movement of the controller. This to me is a gimmick, that'll wear thin quickly.

Super Rub a Dub is deceptively difficult, and I think thats where it gets most of its charm. You sit there looking on as someone else plays it and you'll instantly think that they are hopeless and you can do much better, but it isn't as easy as you think. The game is quite difficult and this is where the competition comes into it. Multiplayer will throw alot of people off, especially new generation gamers. There isn't simultaneous gaming in this, no you will be thrust back to the early 90's late 80's where you actually have to take turns. While I have no problem with this, because this is what I grew up with doing all my childhood, it will disappoint lots of gamers.

It would have been nice to have a simultaneous multiplayer mode as well, incorporating sharks against ducks etc. This would have added lots to this game, and would have increased the replayability immensely.

Single player wont hold you playing for long. Once you play through and unlock all the tubs, there isn't much there. The online scoreboard does little to give an extra challenge. The players on top will be there forever, they must have practiced lots because, they are bloody good and it is impossible to beat the scores that have been posted. This is well worth the small amount of money, if you've got a few friends that enjoy party games, and don't mind waiting. Otherwise this isn't really worth it.

The graphics are nice, and the water is something to be proud of. But its a shame they didn't put a little more work into this, or this would have been one of those instant classics that everyone wants.