I can't see how anyone won't like this. It's cute, fun and fairly addicting. Controls could have been improved though.

User Rating: 8 | Super Rub a Dub PS3
Now after playing the demo and some of the game, I quite enjoy this. This is a PSN title and probably one of the better ones in comparison to Championship Sprint, Echochrome and PAIN.

Super Rub-A-Dub consists of you playing as a duck, who has to rescue the other ducklings and bringing them back to the start. It has some brilliant water physics and a easy control system.

Handling is used by the SIXAXIS, where you tilt your controller in the way you want your duck to go, push it up to make your duck jump and cause the sharks in the later levels to flip temporarily. This is where the problem comes at hand. Like the Wii motion sensor it isn't always accurate, in this case it is. But...it is a little too precise. If you suddenly want to stop it takes like a decent second or so for that to happen, tilting it too much one way won't help you stop it, rather shunt you off the edge and back to the beginning. It will sometimes jump even slightly holding the controller upward, which is a pain.

The graphics are quite good, from the surfaces too water, although you do feel like the background could change every now and then to offer a variety.

The music is relaxing and decent, however you can't think why there aren't any more tracks or for that fact Classical bits of music in it. This is a relaxing puzzle game which anyone of any age will enjoy, I had my 3 year old brother laugh at it a couple of times.

The puzzles are quite good, I mean you can either just complete them whilst losing a few ducks or replay them over to get a good time. There are leaderboards too, and you can watch some of the top players, which does help you a lot and you can do what they do the first or second try. You can't watch everyones though, which is a shame but the plus side is it takes 5 seconds max to load them.

There are a lot of puns in this game, if you rescue all the ducks and get a good time, it will come up with "Quacktastic!" and stuff to relate with ducks. It can be funny the first couple of times but then you just feel like why couldn't they say nice or well done?

Overall Super Rub-A-Dub is completely a underestimated game, if you have PSN try the demo first, if you like it buy it, this is one of the better titles out there and is worth a look.