A great family game!

User Rating: 8.2 | Super Rub a Dub PS3
This game will appeal to all members of the family! It's a great game. It makes great use of the SIXAXIS controller. It's a great addition to the PLAYSTATION network collection! The graphics are nice, simple and fun! If you're looking for a great survival game, with a motion sencor touch, this is the game for you! It also has peaceful music, people often complain about the music, but the music can add some "Peace" to your gaming. It's one of those games that you can turn to if you're down. It has an easy learning curve and a great use of the SIXAXIS controller. Multiplayer is a fun, challenging game all in itself! Being able to be ranked in the high scores for the single player game is a great addition to the game, it also has a few little secrets to it. All to gether, it's a great game and I suggest it to anyone that is looking for something to do with there new SIXAXIS controller.