Man ! Compared to Wii Sports, this game sucks !

User Rating: 5.2 | Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz WII
This game looked good at first but when I played it, it sucked ! I mean, story mode was kinda fun but, WAY over-stimulating.

The motion you make with the Wii-mote hurts your hand. When I tried to do an easier level, I had to keep doing the same level over and over. That was REALLY annoying. I have to admit, I like the cocept of the game (monkey in a ball) and the new characters (YanYan and Doctor) are cool, too. But still, it just doesn't quite float my boat.

Since I haven't beaten the first boss yet, I can't tell you about that. But, this game is so hard, I'm gonna return it for another game before I can even say, the boss battles are...

I guess what I'm saying is, this isn't the best launch game in the world. Try something else.... That's what I'm gonna do. Anyway, eat your cheese ! Bye !