This game is just awesome.Fantastic music, great controls,sweet gameplay,weapons, story, depth, completion,secrets. Cool

User Rating: 10 | Super Metroid SNES
This game can only be played on the SNES. It is 100% complete in every way. I know I'm going get hated on for saying it is one of the best Super Nintendo games and it's also great on the Wii. First the good, great graphics for the time, awesome music, solid controls, challenge, sweet bosses, length, weaponry, story, secrets,speed, and a save system. This game had everything you look for in a game.
Yet there is one thing keeping it from being perfect. Sometimes it can be a little confusing but only a little. GOT THAT! For 1994, there is a good reason why Nintendo crushed the Genesis. Oh Crap, Maybe I shouldn't of said that. Sorry Sega Fans. This game is really great. Just putting this out there this game should be remade in 3D for the Wii. Imagine playing the original like an FPS. That would sell a ton.