Talk about a Flawless Game

User Rating: 10 | Super Metroid SNES
To me This is the best Nintendo game ever made, many people like Mario (who may seem overrated but we all have to admit his role in pushing the industry to spot-light), many people like Link ( who I really don't like because he is a Mary Sue type of character) but I and I think that the greatest nintendo Character was and maybe shall always be Samus Aran the heroine of the Metroid series.

To me it's the best Nintendo Game series ever, and if we have to chose the best Metroid game ever made it has to be Super Metroid, yeah sure Metroid prime is super awesome but this game is simply remarkable and it has something that rarely games have which that it is Flawless.

This game had everything a gamer want in a game, a good level design with good length, a protagonist with a character development rather that fan service, good musical core, good story-line, a very good boss fights and a Voice acting in the intro !

To me this game is the best SNES game ever made and one of the best games ever made, sadly Samus Aran is in the shadow of other Nintendo characters like Mario and Link and she is in the shadow if other female characters of other games like Lara Croft and Chun-Lee but Samus has more character development that any other female protagonist in any video game and she is more interesting character and this game proves it.