Super Meat Boy is amazingly most ridiculously difficult but will always keep you coming back for more.

User Rating: 10 | Super Meat Boy X360
You first look at Super Meat Boy and you see a very light hearted fun looking game but should you tread further that cute image seems to turn into a sadistically brutal funhouse of cute death?

This game starts off simple enough.Your a piece of meat trying to save your love Bandage Girl from the seriously unloved Dr. Fetus.Immediately the cool art style and humor will show off, cut scenes are always a big pleasure to watch.The game starts you off easy jumping walls and easy gaps before releasing you into too the wild.The whole game is going to consist of you mashing your now delicate thumbs on the X and A buttons while using movement from either of the joysticks or D-pad.Now this is a simple enough control scheme but this is easily the most difficult game I've ever played but funnily enough it never gets you losing your temper.All your deaths from a level will be shown to you at once which looks awesome and getting through a level design so crazy you actually believe was made completely impossible is a really amazing feeling, any sign of anger should immediately disappear because you will probably be standing there yelling in victory.

The music is absolutely amazing and theres plenty of it,some of the stuff here really gets you really pumped and it just wouldn't be the same game without it(think Akira Yamoaka as to Silent Hill 2).There are plenty of secrets and unlockables including levels, characters, NES style graphics and other wonderful things.The main story is a good 10 hours or so but doing all the extras will take a long time!

If your going to get an arcade game i'd highly recommend this because it has plenty of content, high replay value and is just simply a great experience.But i warn that this isn't for the faint of heart and it is very difficult!The game does a great job of easing you in though and if you stick at it you will push through but only the best out there will probably see through to the 100%!