Although Sunshine can be frustrating sometimes, the overall game play is unique and entertaining.

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Mario Sunshine GC
I remember buying Super Mario Sunshine at Columbus market when I was around 12 years old (2003). I had a lot of fun playing this game with my friends. I also remembered that some of them were willing to help me on certain quests. Although Sunshine can be frustrating sometimes, the overall game play is unique and entertaining.

If you played Super Mario 64, or Galaxy 1 and 2, Sunshine still feels very similar to its other games. The presentation has its occasional story line and cut scenes where you may see the other characters interact with Mario for a bit. Instead of being in the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario and the gang take flight on Delfino Island. This time Mario has a different partner named F.L.U.D.D. He is basically a squirt gun that sprays water at enemies, and can make Mario hover for a short period of time.

Although Luigi doesn't appear in Sunshine, you still get to ride on Yoshi later on in the game. Unfortunately, Yoshi can't swim in water because he will just vanish if you put him near water. This is where Toadsworth and Bowser Jr. make their first appearances as well. This game is actually pretty lengthy, and it may take you a long time to complete. Compared to Super Mario Galaxy, Sunshine is more challenging because there are certain levels where platforms disappear or rotate at different angles.

The graphics in Sunshine look fantastic overall. The water effects look almost realistic, and they are just amazing to look at. The environments look almost realistic, and the heat waves are also a nice addition to make it even more realistic. The only criticism I have with the graphics is how they designed Mario himself. He doesn't look too detailed like how he is in Galaxy and his color schemes is a tad too bright.

The sounds and music are also spot on for the most part. There are occasions where the music sounds nostalgic and familiar to fans, but the different theme music has mixed up with the old school music a bit as well. I think it still has a great soundtrack, but it's not as awesome and orchestrated like there is in Super Mario Galaxy.

The controls are still precise and responsive. Mario can jump pretty high, do wall jumps, hover on F.L.U.D.D, and do back flips. The inability of Yoshi swimming in water is a bit of a drag.

The lasting approval is a solid game that is long and unique. Any Mario fan should definitely check Sunshine out, even if his gimmicks are a tad strange. You have around 120 shine sprite to collect, but it's not so simple to just fly through the levels. Unfortunately, there is no multiplayer like there was in Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.

the good- outstanding graphics and music, controls are accurate and responsive, gameplay is very lengthy and unique

the bad- Yoshi can't swim, and Mario could of looked a bit more detailed, no multiplayer

presentation- 8

graphics- 8

sound- 8

gameplay- 9

lasting approval- 9

Overall 8.4 out of 10 Gamespot score 8.5 out of 10