Very much like Super Mario 64, but with a completely new twist.

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario Sunshine GC
Mario goes on vacation with the princess and a handful of toads, only to find that his vacation has been delayed by some sinister plot...

With the water tank FLUDD on Mario's back, the jumping plumber can now clean up the graffiti mess that the local residents complain about. In fact, they not only complain about it, they blame Mario for spraying the whole town with ti-dye goop! So after doing some time in the bird house, Mario is ordered to clean up the entire mess, but not without some investigation as to who really caused all this trouble.

The game has plenty of surprises and things to do to keep Mario on his toes. Like it says up top, the game is very much like Mario 64, only Mario isn't in the Mushroom Kingdom. In fact, the troubles back home have followed him here! That's right, Bowser is the villain in this game, although he isn't seen until the very end. Bowser Jr. is actually the impostor who thinks Peach is his mother, (what a nut) and so Mario must wash and spray his way to victory.

Instead of collecting Stars in Mario 64, you now collect Shine Sprites, the source of power for the Island Delfino, Mario's vacation spot. There are various levels that are all very tropical and beach like. And that's another thing: the water in this game is absolutely gorgeous! It is so realistic and pure looking, it makes you want to put down the controller and jump into the television set!

All in all, this is a fun game (and a uniquely different one from the other Mario titles) with plenty of sight-seeing to do and Shine Sprites to collect. Oh, and another thing. You can ride Yoshis in this game. They come in different colors, and in order for them to stay with Mario, you gotta feed them fruit, which keeps their stomachs full and enables the dinos to spray juice out their mouths. When Yoshi's stomach is empty, he will disappear, and you will then have to go find the proper piece of fruit to ride him again. I recommend you at least try this game out. It will surely please rather than disappoint.