A Better Mario Party Experience that Still Feels Shallow

User Rating: 7 | Super Mario Party NS

Super Mario Party is the best Mario Party to come out in a while, and should always be played with multiple people. A majority of the mini-games are fun, and the new ally system adds welcome variety to the main party mode. A content update with a few more customization options and game boards could really help this game.

I found that standard games felt slow due to the unskippable explanations and animations that occur during movement around the board. If there was a customization option to speed up text and movement, a lot of the downtime in-between mini-games would feel less painful.

I also didn't find any of the available game boards to be intuitive or interesting due to their small size. With an increased standard star price, and more frequent ways to steal player's stars or coins, Super Mario Party could easily become the BEST Mario Party game in the series.