For my 100th review, I've decided to take a look at a game that defined gaming forever.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. NES

Now I know this review is long overdue and I apologise, but I had schoolwork to catch up with. Anyways, here is my 100th review of a game-defining title called Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros is a title for the NES, which released in 1985. This title is most popular for being the game that changed the perspective of video games forever. It even popularized the side-scrolling genre of video gaming. The game sold 40.24 million and remains one of the best-selling Nintendo games of all time, as well as one of the greatest games of all time, and I am not surprised it did, seeing how great that game was.

I first played this game non-stop from 2005-2008 on a flash site called I have also played it on 3DS for the Ambassador Program in September 2011, played a demo of it on Smash Bros Brawl, played it on Super Mario Bros DX on a GameBoy Colour emulator and I have the All-Stars version on Super Mario All Stars 25th Anniversary Edition, so you could say that I have a lot of experience with this game.

Super Mario Bros is one of my favourite Mario titles of all time, as it has the overall greatness that you would expect in a Nintendo game as well as the challenging levels, the music and the creativity that made Super Mario Bros one of the greatest platformer titles that ever lived. If you have yet to play this game, then it is available on GBA (NES Classics), 3DS, Wii and Wii U (Virtual Console re-release). You can buy it second-hand for the GameBoy Colour and NES.

Also I would like to congratulate Superzone and thegamingjunkie for guessing correctly what title I was going to review.