If a game says Mario, or Super Mario Bros...then you need to buy it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (2 Bonus e-Reader Cards) GBA
Super Mario Bros. 3, a classic is now back but in more portability! The fun is not smaller, yet converted into something that is an unquestionable buy! (Buy this game if you never had a chance to get the original! [Or the latest versions on more modern consoles])

There isn't much point in reviewing but I'll go right ahead!
Story: 7 (The theft in the story is still a blast to play)
Graphics: 10 (They haven't changed a bit)
Music: 10 (Always a different and catchy tune on every world)
Controls: 10 (Still feels like Nintendo!)
Sound: 10 (The only con is to hear Mario say "Mama Mia!")

The ratings may be overrated, but it is obvious that the Mario and Super Mario Bros. games are always fantastic and could easily be considered masterpieces of a game culture icon, who for so many years has been in successful video games from the cartridge into media discs (still having a blast to play through)!

The only reason why this game doesn't have a perfect score is that the cartridge may get worn and ruined even (my cartridge is starting to give my game corrupted save files, freezes, etc.), which original Nintendo cartridges might last longer, and it's a shame that such a great game might have a risk o damage.

Otherwise from the cons, get this game if you are a fan of the series, still love to use cartridges, or get it on a simpler, more modern media disc!