Super Mario 64 is an amazing 3D plat former, but it's bogged down with outdated graphics.

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario 64 N64
I remembered when I first saw Super Mario 64. At age 12/13 (Summer 2003), my friend Jaavon Benson brought this game over my apartment to play this game on my Nintendo 64. Just hearing Mario say "Mamma Mia" was hilarious for me at the time.

Presentation - There are a total of four save files to store for you and your friends. At the beginning of the game, Peach sends Mario a letter to enter the castle to share cake with him. As soon as he enters the castle, Lakitu comes up to him. There are a total of 120 stars to collect with seven stars on each level. At most doors, there are a certain number of stars you need to earn before accessing new areas. There are occasional hidden stars to collect especially the level where Mario enters a class portrait of Princess Peach. To earn this star, you must be able to slide down to a door without falling off. As time goes on, you have to defeat Bowser several times by first going through an obstacle course. Unlike Super Mario 64 DS, the original is only a single player game and Mario is the only playable character.

Graphics - The actual environments look alright, but some of the areas appear to be too dark. However, when Mario was created, he appeared to look different than he does in most games. For example, his face and nose was wider, eyes were too close to each other, and mustache was less bushy looking.

This is somewhat strange because Mario's face appears to be a normal size and thinner on the actual game cover than he did in this game. Remember this was before Mario lost a lot of weight in the GameCube and Wii era. Eventually Shigeru Miyamoto (creator) got tired of people making fun of Mario's weight, so he re-designed him to have his face and belly appear much thinner and smaller. He also appears to look less cute and manlier looking than he did back then.

Sound - The music is inspired and catchy to hear for the most part. You'll even hear some of the Bowser theme tracks in later games such as Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Mario also has his famous catchphrases such as saying "Mamma Mia" when he dies. Also, after he defeats Bowser at his fortress, he says "So long Bowser".

Game play - The addition on analog stick movement makes this game easier for players to control. Mario has an array of new maneuvers such as punching enemies, flying around with a wing cap, and walk temporary underwater while transforming into medal. The controls are very accurate, responsive, and you don't need to hold a button to have him run faster.

Lasting appeal - Super Mario 64 is considered to be one of the best 3D games around. The biggest flaw that this game has is the blocky and outdated graphics. However, the single player is lengthy and will take an average gamer a long time to collect all 120 stars. Since this game has no multiplayer (unlike the DS version), the replay value will wear off from time to time.

As far as my recommendations are concerned, this game is worth a buy. However, if you prefer the updated graphics, having multiplayer, more playable characters, and play while getting out of the house, buy Super Mario 64 DS.

The Good - innovative game play, responsive and simple controls, inspired music, lengthy single player with collecting all 120 stars

The Bad - graphics should of been fine tuned more, no multiplayer mode, and no extra characters to play as (such as Luigi, Yoshi, and Wario like the DS version)

Presentation - 9
Graphics - 7
Sound - 10
Game play - 10
Lasting appeal - 8

Overall 8.8 out of 10 GameSpot Score 9 out of 10