Nuzamaki90's Super Mario 3D Land Review

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Mario 3D Land 3DS
Hey guys it's Nuzamaki90 and I'm here to review the 2nd best 3DS game out now.

Super Mario 3D Land - For the Nintendo 3DS.

Now let's be honest, Mario has not had a lot of crappy games. He's top tier when it comes to the gaming community and won't choose to lose against games like Call Of Duty, Battlefield, and Uncharted. Mario is also the current king of platforming. Sure characters like Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, and even Rayman have rivaled him in the past, he's still the best. So let's do this.


Super Mario 3D Land is pretty much what you'd expect from a Mario game by now. Peach and Mario are hanging out, Peach get's kidnapped by a turtle that breaths fire, Mario finds out about it, and is forced to jump through the craziest of levels in order to find and save her. Helping him out is the princess's trusty servants: The Toads. They don't really do much but hide out in certain levels and if you use the 3DS' gyrometer, you can find them and they will (most of the time) throw you a free Star Coin. Unlike other reviewers, I'v gotten tired of the whole Bowser steals Peach and Mario saves her storyline. It's been the same for the past 26 years and others may or may not agree with me, but the story is a disappointment. Overall, the story is simple, pretty boring, and if you'v been keeping up with Mario for the past 20-26 years, very repetitive.
Story = 3/10


Super Mario 3D Land absolutely demolishes any other 3DS game as of now when it comes to graphics. The game is spot on gorgeous. Since it's a game that is a supposed sequel to the Super Mario Galaxy, what more can you expect from the graphics? It's nice, it's simple, it's awesome. The game also is the first to use the 3D power to the fullest. The entire game is in 3D, and unlock other titles, it looks good with 3D on all the way. The framerate is spot on perfect, and the only time I have seen the game lag is when I'm using streetpass, which most people won't be using. Overall, the graphics are amazing, best on the 3DS, and in my opinion, better than Ocarina Of Time 3D.
Graphics = 9/10


Super Mario 3D Land has the coolest music you could ever hear in a Mario game. A lot of songs will seem familiar because a lot of songs are nicer mixes of old ones. Super Mario 3D Land is like the Sonic Generations of Mario's history. Nintendo used whatever they could find and did the best they could of making it better. The cool beats in the theme songs for each stage will drive you nuts and force you to listen more, and more, and more.
Overall, there isn't a lot of things I can say for the sound that a lot of other people have already said. It's simple, it's cool, and it's great to listen to past mario themes with better remixes.
Sound = 10/10


Finally the gameplay, which is kind of a mix in my opinion. Mario has his basic move set, which is simple to use, and easy to catch up on. You'll be running through 8 different worlds jumping, spinning, and running your ass off in all kinds of environments. But your not going through it alone, oh no, you have a bundle of power-ups to assist you in your quest. You have the fan favorite: Fire Flower, the used to be NSMB exclusive: Propeller Block, and the long lost, but still loved: Tanooki Leaf. The Fire Flower changes you into Fire Mario giving you fire power abilities but not immunity to lava. The Propeller Block transforms you into a block that can fly, and the Tanooki Leaf turns you into well, a Tanooki. Honestly, Nintendo could have added something better than the Propeller Block, it's pretty much a Tanooki Suit that can make you fly higher. I haven't seen the Paint Brush in a while, which I know was a Super Mario Sunshine only kind of thing, but it was cool, it was fun to used, and I can imagine a lot of cool things you can do with the level. But it's all good, they all work well, they are fun to use, and the overall fun factor with these power-ups are high. The game also has a few bosses that are here to mess up your day. The bosses are pretty disappointing because most of them are just rehashes of bosses you already faced in the game. The main gameplay: Running and jumping on heads to piss off Bowser's minions is fun as is. The 3D power of Super Mario 3D Land also allows you to go in and out of the backgrounds in 2D and 2.5D stages. Overall, the gameplay is fun most of the time, the bosses are not that good, the power-ups are cool for the most part and the 8 zones plus the extra Special Stages support the replay value of the game.
Gameplay = 7.5/10


Super Mario 3D Land is a fun game. The amount of cool sounds, touchy music, epic graphics, and so-so gameplay will have you begging for more. I also forgot to mention that after beating the game, you unlock a certain relative that can be playable in past levels. And let me tell you, he's waaaay more fun to play as than Mario. I'm Nuzamaki90, have a great day.

Final Score = 8.5/10