It has saved me so much battery money, it's paid for itself at least 10 times over!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Game Boy SNES
The Super Game Boy is like a game boy player for your Super Nintendo Entertainment System, but it has so many things that you wouldn't expect to have been there in 1994. You can change the color scheme in the game, but I usually prefer to play most games in regular black and white. Some games, like Donkey Kong Land, have special borders of their own, and for others, you can choose from a wide variety of frames, or even draw your own. You can also draw inside the screen, which is useful for, say, playing without being able to see your time limit. All in all, the Super Game Boy makes for a great time, saves batteries, and cuts down on wear and tear for your poor old game boy while you're at home. It'll pay for itself many times over, and if that isn't good, then I don't know what is!