An interesting game that combines classic RPG with revolutionary music and graphics.

User Rating: 8 | Gensou Suikoden Tierkreis DS
I haven't played any video game for awhile, so I'm not going to pretend like I'm the most knowledgable person that plays the most video games ever. However, I did enjoy this game (for whatever that's worth). The characters were interesting and quirky, although I did not bother to collect all 108, because it was too much of a pain. The storyline was okay, sometimes I felt it was moving too slow and sometimes too fast. The graphics and music were extrodinary though, all the graphics popped out at you and never got old. The battle system was good, just like any other RPG. One opinion that I share with quite a few others on this site is that the voice acting for the main character is HORRIBLE. I hated listening to him speak almost the entire game. Although it didn't take away too much from the overall gameplay, it was quite irritating. Otherwise, I would recommend this game to others that are just looking for some easy fun.