Quite dissapointing by the end of it but it was good to play.

User Rating: 5.7 | Sudeki XBOX
Like i said. The end being so easy and no final fantasy styled end( didnt expect it to though) but you did'nt even get any video for completion of the game. it was good during the game and at the time it was one of the only decent rpg's on the xbox (or at least of what you could get in NZ) but it fell short in my opinion.

The graphics and sound were nice and the controlls were quite well layed out.

I like Rpg games but this one (no) since i've played quite a few FF games 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 not 12 yet (9 being my favorite) also dark alliance , Oblivion , Phantasy star Universe , and they are all good

Suggest you play it once.