really dissapointed a paint by numbers ,lead you by the hand rpg and it could have been the definative xbox rpg...

User Rating: 6.5 | Sudeki XBOX
you play 4 freinds who must save there wold from evil, 'nuff said there.

i ,being a cube and xbox owner lacked my daily rpg intake that most ps2 owners get indroves, i thought that this would be an exciting new chooice to match morrowind and fable, i was unfortunatly wrong though.

gameplay- tow characters are third person button mashers, two are fps one shot every few second kind opf guys/gals.
not very impressive and it only uses rudimentary item menus and spells which fail to excite and is nothing i havent seen before ,plus you can only reach level 30 and you cannot learn every skill available and this really stifles the gameing experience, who knows if this will be carried on for a sequel?.

graphics are actually pretty damn gorgeous looking and are a joy all the way through, so no complaints there then.

sound wise its okay, but falls short when compared to its major rivals morrowind and fable.

value wise its pretty easy, and short and wont last long without replay and will dissapoint those looking for a final fantasy style experience.

overall this is a dissapointing sub-par rpg at best and really should have a sequel to expand upon this and increase the level and skills, other wise this is just an unexciting fable -alike.