Burnout 3 this is not...

User Rating: 5.5 | Street Racing Syndicate XBOX
I rented this game from blockbuster and i put it in my xbox having high expectations. fired the game up...nice load up screen and menu lay out... went to story mode and found that its no where near as in tense as burn out 3... now i know i dont need to compare that to because burnout is just strait out racing (and blowing cars of the track and crashing cars OH and fun online...ect.), but this game gives you absolutly NO secne of speed, i can remember on burn out going 30 and seeing speed effects...this game... at about 130 no even a little sence of speed, the only good thing that i can see in this game is the graphic(whitch are no where near todays standerds), and the city layout, it was ok but not NFS good.