First Street fighter on XBLA

User Rating: 7.8 | Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting X360
Hello again and welcome to my review of street fighter hyper fighting or street fighter turbo. This version is exactly the same as champion edition except the speed is faster in turbo. This is the first time Capcom released street fighter on XBLA and it wasn’t a bad attempt. This version is quite the same as the SNES version except on XBLA you have the ability to play online over on xbox live.

Now I’ll go onto the offline modes, there are 3 modes that you can choose on the offline that are as the following;
Vs Mode

Now in arcade mode the name speaks for it self you basically choose a character and then you would travel the world to fighter twelve other street fighters until you get to M.Bison if you beat him you get to see you characters custom ending. Now the good things in arcade mode is it’s exactly as the arcade version the graphics the sound the art the stages everything is there it’s like going to your local arcade. Capcom even included the original bonus stages like the car smashing, barrel stage, and the oil crates its all there.
Now the bad things are that when you play through arcade mode your going to find out that it’s a little difficult, that’s because this game IS arcade perfect it was made so that the people would get so annoyed that if they lost they would put in another quarter to have another go at the game and this was how arcade made there money and of coarse people being very addicted to this game. So that’s arcade mode for you apart from it being difficult it’s a very good mode to play if you’ve had enough of the online modes.

Vs Mode
It’s simple if you have an extra Xbox 360 controller you can play street fighter with your friends and battle it out to your hearts content its like going to your friends house and playing street fighter to like up to 3am in the morning HEHE.

Training Mode
Now Capcom were not intentionally going to put training mode in but until they realised that this game is over a decade old so they decided to put the mode in for the old street fighter fans who haven’t played street fighter in years. So this was put up to refresh everyone’s memory of all there favourite characters moves.

Now That’s the offline modes out of the way and in with the online modes over at xbox live

Online Traditional Matches
Ok In this mode you would go onto Xbox live and search for already existing matches (or creating your own) for an online opponent. Now your going to encounter a problem when your doing this your going to find it extremely laggy trying to find an opponent this may take a few minutes to find someone online because of the bad online connection. The explanation of this is that you could live in the U.S.A and play someone in Japan that’s why it could be laggy but most of the time its normanly ok. Now when you find an opponent you both choose a character and you wait for the connection then you go to a random stage and fight a best two out of three match it you or your opponent score two wins over your opponent you win the match and this would go to your rankings. Now when you play online you can’t guaranty who you play E.G you could play a person who is an expert of street fighter and has never lost or you can play someone who is a beginner in street fighter and you could beat him with your eyes closed its just that random and that’s what makes the online modes so fun and good to play.

Quarter Mode
In this mode you can have up to 3 to 4 players in your room according to you match up.
Theres 2 people watching and 2 people fighting. This mode is made to relive the original arcade experience because back in 1992 there used to be a giant que just to play street fighter and if someone lost a match the next person in line would fight the winner and that happens in quarter mode its like “king of the hill” plus these matches are not ranked so you go in these modes to make new friends and just basically relax and not worry about you rank. You can mostly find all the top rank players in quarter mode.

My Comment
Street fighter hyper fighting costs 800 ms points which is briefly 10$ and that’s a really good deal. The size of this game is 48.78mb so it should fit on a 64mb memory unit and defiantly fit on the hard drive. If you’re an old school street fighter fan get this game and relive your memories. Plus there are 12 achievements spread over the online and offline modes which are hard to achieve but that’s good because you can keep playing street fighter online and offline I personally thinks it’s a good game and a good deal