I like it for the old-school feel, but their are some problems that come along with its' charm.

User Rating: 6.9 | Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting X360
Now I like Street Fighter and SFII was my favorite Street Fighter game. And I will say that this game is enjoyable to me, but it is broken in some places.

Graphics and sound - This is the best part of the game. It looks and sounds like the arcade classic. I find it nice that Capcome didn't remix everything and totally change the game. Now if only the controls handled that well...

Controls - The 360 d-pad is not good for fighting games. I find that it is too lose for me and kind of in a weird spot. So I need to use the stick which is just alright, but you will mess up some hadoukens here or there.

Online- Bad! It is really laggy and hard to find people. Fighting games just don't work too well online.

For 800 MS points, it isn't too bad of a deal. And the achievements are spaced out well. However if you aren't an old school Street Fighter fan, pass on this game because it could turn you off to the rest of the series.