This game is dead online

User Rating: 5.1 | Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting X360
It was dead before the patch because everybody (including myself sadly) pulled the plug when they lost.Then it was patched so when you quit you got the lost (or so they say) now everything is good right?WRONG
Now thanks to this glorious patch players now leave the game on the character select screen for 4 days in a row hoping for you to quit so they can take your points wow.
Not to mention you will encounter alot of,and mostly blanka players who use turbo controllers.

The lag is horrible and it completly ruins the experiance.The quarter matches always glitch up and kick you,the only real fun online is traditional,unlaggy matches.

As for the offline its not that great.This game is defently worth buying but if your a hardcore street fighter fan like myself you will be dissapointed.The difficulty is as insane as ever if you are not extremly good with or bison you are not going to get the perfect world champion achievment.

The sf2 hyper fighting on capcom classics collection is far surperior to this.Its a much better port as this is just a poor port of that port.Several sounds are messed up,and the animation is choppy.

Capcom could have done much better with this game.