Greatest Fighting Game!

User Rating: 9.6 | Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting X360
Oh yes finally an online version of the Undeniably greatest fighter of all time! of course we all love street fighter 2 or else you wouldnt be reading this, so i need not saymore about the actual game, but for this version of it i have to say just a few, with its online matches at first i was really really disappointed in the lag it had with such a simple game that super nintendo can do, BUT after about 15 or so matches online i was so used to playing with that lil lag that i was finding myself kicking some butt i honestly say to you people you WILL get used to the lil bit of lag and think nothing of it.

I have had people come over playing it saying oh the lag the lag!!! but after a few matches they just shut the heck up and jumping up saying Oh i just owned that guy did you see it!! im just like YES thats right you finally see the light and again you are reminisent of the old days of owning and not about the lil nusance that is lag ^_^