It's a very good 2D fighter. And now there's gonna be a new game. Check it out if you need the backstory to it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX PSP
It's been two years since this game came out. And I can see why you guys are taking so many rehashes. Well, it's a good thing they're making Street Fighter IV. Wait, I'm off topic. This game has just enough playable characters. You can choose to play as Ryu, his best friend Ken, a schoolgirl named Sakura, a giant kickboher named Sagat, a criminal boxer named Balrog, and even characters from the Final Fight series, and a psychic named Rose. One thing you should know about Dan Hibiki, he's a wimp. The combat is great. As you charge up a special gauge, you can pull off Super Combos. This isn't uncommon. The 2D sprites are great too. And the sound's top-notch too.

Concept 8.5: A remake of a great 2D fighter of the same name.

Graphics 8.5: Um, you did read "great 2D" that last line, did you?

Sound 8.5: Did I mention "great 2D" anywhere here? Seriously.

Playability 8.5: It can't get much better than this.

Entertainment 9: This is the reason that 2D fighters are making a comeback.

Replay Value 8: Moderate.