This is Street Fighter Alpha 3!!! - - - An amazing portable version of this great game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX PSP

The graphics are exactly the same but this time in the PSP LCD monitor and believe me its amazing to see street fighter alpha 3 in the PSP. Yes its the same but in the PSP its awsome, the game has great graphics and its a very inteligent port by capcom, any fan of street fighter games will more than like the PSP version of Alpha 3, everybody will love to see this game in their little PSP.


Its the same street fighter alpha 3 with some additions, there are some new characters with new and fresh moves, there are also more options like a 2v1 mode where you can play against 2 enemies or play with other char against 1 enemy, but thats all, the PSP version of Street Fighter Alpha 3, doesn't change anything to the original gameplay, all moves are the same, and the feeling its the same, this is not a negative aspect since the gameplay its fast paced, very intense... its a street fighter right?
The PSP its not the best way to play this game or any of this kind but you will live playing Street Fighter Alpha 3 wherever you want. PSP its not the best way to play Alpha 3 but its still a great way to play it, its easy to perform all moves but sometimes you will wish your PSP had a big arcade stick.
Alpha 3 remains the same addictive game for good.


The voices, punches, kicks and every sound you find in this version its just the same from other Alpha 3 versions. There is nothing new in sound and that doesn't make it bad, everything in the sound "sounds" pretty cool.


In the PSP Alpha 3 version the main menu has lots and lots of options, 15 to be more exact, now you can even edit your street fighters. the options are a lot and some modes are already familiar like, arcade more, survival mode, training mode... and then there are some new things like dramatic battle, R.dramatic battle, vs 100 kumite (this is a mode similar to virtua fighter 4 kumite.), and the edit mode (a completely new addition in the series). It will take a long time to explore everything and when you did that, it won't be over, no no not at all, cause you can explore everything with many fighters, there are 37 characters in the game and they are all cool to play and there are some very different kinds of fighting styles, you also have 2 turbo modes and 3 fighting styles, every character has around 2-4 diferent suits. All of this makes Alpha 3 (a very addictive game) even more addictive, you will love to finish the game with every character and the game will always feel diferent and a fresh exprience.
Of course the great quantity of modes won't be much diferent, you'll always be fighting when a character against another (or 2) with different objectives but the game feels very cool and will always feel like a fresh exprience.


The PSP version of Alpha 3 its the best version of Alpha 3 but PSP its not the best way to play it, but its still a pretty cool way and now you have a great street fighter to take wherever you want and this is awesome.
Anyone looking for a fighting game for PSP should really consider buying Alpha 3 unless you deslike 2D fighting style then you should buy Tekken - Dark Ressurection. The action in Alpha 3 its very intense, pretty graphics, nice gameplay and a lot of value into it, a really worth looking remake of an amazing game for the PSP.