It's perfectly faithful to the original with so much more to boot, but I want a sequal, not ANOTHER remake!

User Rating: 9.5 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX PSP
After all these years, Street Fighter Alpha 3 is still a powerhouse in the arena of 2D fighting. It's a perfect conversion of the original home versions, plus Ad-Hoc, and the added PSP exclusive characters and modes. Eagle from the original Street Fighter, Yun from Street Fighter III, Ingrid from the horrible Capcom Fighting Evolution, and Maki from Capcom Vs. SNK 2 make their way into this game after never having been even playable in the Alpha series, which makes me wonder why they didn't add way more characters, since these characters translated extremely nicely to the alpha-style gameplay. Update the moves for existing charcters and update the modes a little more, made it a prequel to III and a sequel to II story wise and call it Street Fighter Alpha 4! The addition of the characters and modes were the only thing that compelled me to give this version more than a straight 9. One other thing that went totally unexpected is a feature to the gameplay that wasn't in the original version, 2 on 1 Dramatic battle with a TAG feature for the team of 2 (That's right, I said a tag feature).

The graphics hold up amazingly, albeit a bit dated, all the original sound is played without fault, and the gameplay is just as fluid and responsive as the original version. I can't stress enough how much anyone who likes fighting games and has a PSP should get this unbelievable Capcom 2D fighter, and it's holding it's own quite nicely.

Like I said, although a sequel would've been more appreciated, this game is nonetheless an amazing game that, especially at only 40 bucks shouldn't be passed up by PSP wielding gamers, fighting fans or not.