dismal at best

User Rating: 3.9 | State of Emergency 2 PS2
I was so looking forward to this game, But i should learn my lesson never look forward to any video game. This was not only a short game only took me 5 hours to beat .but even worse then that the game to me had no purpose. Graphics where ok sound good. game play was crappy. to be honest would have had more fun ball room dancing "yuk" get the picture LOL. if thier is another sequal to this maddness i hope they improve the storyline. becuase the storyline in this game made no sence seemed more like a cartoon from the future which i hope isnt in my future.

The only bright spot is its multi -player, my recommendation is to rent it definitly not a game worth purchasing,save the 30 bucks and in vest it in you stock funds.