Single Player is so-so, Multiplayer is awesome!

User Rating: 8.5 | Starhawk PS3
Ok, I put the difficulty as hard because of multiplayer. Every time I get on a team it seems like no one works together. This is a game where you have to work as a team! you cant solo it, at least not very effectively. On to the review.

The single player is forgettable and is really just a long tutorial but honestly, just do an "explore" game in the multiplayer menu and try out everything for yourself in an enemy-free level. I recommend this to get used to flying the HAWKS because you WILL die very quickly if you cant fly it well.

The key is to build up your base with turrets, supply depots, lazer cannons, walls, etc, while expanding your base with beacons to expand your spawn zone across the level. The problem is, NO ONE builds anything except for hawk stations! I run around and build supply depots for guns and ammo, jet pack stations, turrets, beacons, things we need! But everyone just hops in a hawk and gets blown up. This makes matches very one sided because the other team is usually well organized and owns you.

When you do get on a good team, the game is a blast! Dropping supply depots on people, sniping, jet pack gun fights, tank battles, it is a lot of fun.

I was going to wait to get this until it was $30 but got it as a gift so why not? Is it worth $60? no way in hell. But if it goes on sale, i recommend getting it. It is a welcome change from BF3, getting sick of that game, I am too good at it and unlocked everything so there's no drive to play. This game takes a good amount of practice to get used to but once you do, it is worth it.