This is the only game in history ive given a 10.

User Rating: 10 | Starcraft PC
ok, i honestly think this is my all-time favorite game ever. This game has awsome gameplay, awsome graphics (for its time), and an amazing story. The single player campaign is just amazing as well. its one of the only RTS game that youll see people playing the single player campaign over to play that "one mission".

Also, with lots of RTS's that have multiple playable factions starcraft is the one game that sets in 3 playable races and keep them all distinct but none overpowered. Alot of poeple that play online like to play with all races (unlike DOW's freaking what, 9 races?)

Now dont get me wrong, i love DOW and all that, but i just think SC is a better game overall.

So basically this game is awsome in every way in my opinion, and i literally cannot wait for SC2. They never dissapointed before and i doubt they will this time.