Lots of great new stuff!

User Rating: 9 | Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm PC
I spent many happy hours playing Wings of Liberty, so I knew I would love Heart of the Swarm. There is so much new here that it would take a long time to describe it all. My favorite missions have always been ones involving heroes, and you get Kerrigan in every mission. I've also always loved the missions that take place inside, so you have to conserve your units and be careful not to get them all killed. Heart of the Swarm has quite a few of those. Some missions are a mix of that and the traditional base-building kind. The ability to evolve Kerrigan and every new Zerg you get between missions is wonderful and the missions to test out the permanent evolutions are extremely fun. The abilities are all so tempting that it is hard to pick which one of each level (in Kerrigan's case) that I like the most. The conversations you have with your crew add nicely to the story, as they did before, and the cut-scenes continue to be monumental. The only change that I'm not really thrilled about, compared to Wings of Liberty, is the inability to leave a planet until you have completed the 2 to 3 mission series that takes place there. In consolation, you do get an achievement every time you complete a set. The bonus objectives in each mission are, in many cases, done in such a way that you have to explore most of the map to find the objects you are seeking. I've only played a bit of the multiplayer, but what I've seen in excellent.