Star Wars Trilogy does not live up to its promise of letting gamers play their way through the original movies.

User Rating: 5 | Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force GBA
Star Wars Trilogy is a decent looking GBA set in the Star Wars Universe. It offers up appealing digitized versions of songs from the original movies and holds the promise of letting gamers make their way through that epic story for themselves. Unfortunately, this is a promise that is not kept.

For what it's worth, the events of the game do follow the actual movies fairly well. I am sure some Han-Shot-First purists could find something to gripe about but for the most part it's not bad and the scenes you get to play are some of the most iconic in the film--blowing up the Death Star, Fighting Vader, Defeating the Sarlac, and so on. That said, I'd imagine if someone who was somehow unfamiliar w/ the films came across this game, they'd be quite confused. They story progresses episodically and only those able to fill in the blanks w/ previous knowledge of the story would be able to make any sense of it.

As far as gameplay, about three quarters of the game is played as a fairly standard side scrolling action game. You start out w/ a blaster and later graduate to a light saber. You can actually switch between the two once you have both but the light saber is so much more powerful that you will hardly use the blaster once you have it. As levels advance, you acquire force skills some of which you will have to use to surmount various obstacles and some of which aid you in battles. It controls well aside from Luke occasionally automatically grabbing on a ledge occasionally when you are just jumping to avoid enemy fire but the gameplay is ultimately repetitive and tedious. Any platforming elements serve as more of an annoyance than a challenge and when you encounter groups of enemies you are forced to kill every last one of them before moving on, which slows the pace of these sections to a crawl, especially on later levels. The level of challenge is not terribly great to begin w/ but every time you die--which you can do an unlimited number of time w/o penalty--you simply begin again at one of the frequently recurring checkpoints, making the challenge level almost trivial.

The remainder of the game contains various vehicular levels. One level, in which you play in an X-wing, is basically an Asteroids clone--and is one of the more entertaining challenges of the game. The rest are simple side scrolling shoot-em-up type levels which again have checkpoints frequently enough to remove much of the challenge. These levels do server to break up the tedium of the side-scrolling action levels but are, honestly, someone tedious themselves so that's little comfort.

Those looking for a quick and easy game to while away a relaxed evening may find the two or three hours it takes to play through the Star Wars Trilogy worthwhile. Otherwise, this game offers very little to gamers or Star Wars fans. It provides for a quick, easy jaunt into a playable Star Wars universe and beyond that it is pretty much w/o merit.