An amazing game. Short story mode is its major downsize.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PSP
Well! Yup! It's out there, the game everyone was waiting for.

Let me tell you, this game takes 2nd place on my must have list, next to Crisis Core.

Anyways, here goes the full review:

Graphics - Not the best, but a great and amazing work done, considering it's the PSP and that this wasn't made by Square Enix (fanboy attack :p). Very detailed, and greatly rendered textured models.

Sound - Just.. Amazing! Sound is definitely one of the best things about this game! Great voice acting, great BGM, and awesome SE! Almost a masterpiece, if it wasn't for its poor voice sync, but that is another topic.

Gameplay - This is where it all comes together! God it's beautiful. Let me tell you, this game has some awesome gameplay! You can actually FEEL the force haha. It's beautiful really! A lot of force powers to develop and gain, great lightsaber maneuvering, pretty good power up system, very very good movement control, platforming is rare, and when there is some, you can really work nicely around it! The only downsize on this game's gameplay is the camera, which you can easily stand since it's not really bad, it can just become annoying rarely.
Other than that, you feel really powerful, and you get some awesome and fast action!

Story - Really good storyline, nice script, and immersive story. A shame it's so short -cries-.

So! The only real problems are the voice synchronization, which has some flaws (which is something you can pass by easily), and the camera that can be annoying at some points (only was once to me though).

Advice: If you want a good PSP game, you've got to buy this!

Cheers! :)