Terrible plot, boring voice acting, excellent gameplay, awesome multiplayer.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars GC
The plot in this game is uninspired and boring, even for the Star Wars series. The voice acting seems flat and bland, as if the movie actors were uninterested in their roles.

That said, the single player campaign is FUN. Most of the game takes place in land or air vehicles, and the gameplay is excellent.

But the best thing about this game is undoubtedly the multiplayer. The various modes are either versus or a mixture of cooperative and versus. 4-players can compete or cooperate in this way.

The graphics are acceptable, although the Mace Windu character animations when on foot are a bit poor. Also, the saber throw move while on foot is not nearly as useful as it is in other Star Wars games. Instead, the move often only makes you vulnerable to enemy fire while your saber travels around all of the enemies, not hitting any.