Excelent story line for another classic star wars game.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars GC
Star wars clone wars has a great storyline. The begining levels might not please you right away but the levels following begin to show the war zone and kill as many ennemies as possible side of star wars. In my opinion the best part about this game would have to be the multiplayer feature. In the conquest mode your main objective is to capture comand posts as well as destroy the many ennemy units that protect these command posts in order to obtain victory. My friends and I really enjoy playing in this multiplayer mode because it is chalenging and very addicting. Other multiplayer modes are the duel mode, capture the ring and my personal favourite academy trainning setions. In acdamey training as a group or solo you vs. waves of enemies in either the republic tank, or the AT-PT and try to obtain the highest score by destroying as many enemy units as possible without being killed or destroyed yourself.