
User Rating: 8.1 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars GC
It's nothing impressive, but a good game if you dont care what you want to play. It's also a nice scale multiplayer, one of the best I have. It is also a good game for beginning GC/PS2/XBOX etc users. Well, as I said before, it's a average. So anyways, it's a good game if you want to figure out the controls, have a good multiplayer time, a nicely done sounds game, pretty good in value and tilt. Does anyone know why you have to type 100 words in this box? I mean, geez...Anyway, the game was a good average game, I say for the third time, and it was also a nicely storylined game. Nothing to ask for christmas, or hannukah, or whatever you celebrate (if you celebrate anything), and if you know anybody who likes strategy and action, this is the game for them. You'll also really like it if you're a bigshot Star Wars fan. It follows the movie awesomely. Well...thanks for reading!