Be careful Anakin.....Dooku is near.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes PS3
For those who like me have watched the series on TV or DVD this game gives you the chance to play as jedi or clones through some very clever levels.

The game takes place between season 1 and 2 of the TV show. It has its own story that fits in with the clone wars era. The combat is easy to get around and lucasarts have taken some elements from their lego star wars games and added those same concepts here. The drop in, drop out play of a second character, instead of lego studs to collect as a currency you collect and earn points that you can use to upgrade your fighting prowess, droid-jak abilites and purchase heads of different character's to add some goofy variety.

Similarly playing as clones is different from playing as jedi. The clones of course use firearms and can get up close and personal to the droids if necessary. The jedi always fight up close but can use the force to push droids over cliffs and the like. The jedi also have a saber throw that is more akin to a saber dance as it spins around your character damaging everything around you.

The game also adds some subtle elements of strategy as you have to droid-jak to clear a path through areas, destroy other droids and even take out obsticles in your path.

Even though the game maybe aimed at a younger audience it has some great combat in it and the vehicle levels in the game add some variety that adult fans will get a kick out of.

Should you get this game you maybe asking.....well before you do it maybe a good idea to watch the clone wars animated movie first, as there are some new character's who were introduced in the movie who are in the game.

You don't have to of course and just play the game simply for the fun aspect alone.