A game that rogue squadron fans should enjoy, as should any person.

User Rating: 8.6 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
I am reviewing this game as a person who bought it 3 years after its release for $10 and as a huge rogue squadron fan, having every gold medal except for 2. This is a great game and really brings out the best of the origonal while adding more levels, content, graphics, etc. The levels, however, are a ton easier to beat and get medals on than in the origonal, which takes a lot of value off, especially since they still haven't added multiplayer. If you enjoyed rogue squadron or just star wars in general, i would recommend getting this game, especially since by now it's only $10 or less at most stores. The only complaint i would have with this game is that they added space levels, which the first game had none of, and are ver fun, except for the fact that ties are now very hard to see and shoot. Which is why they added a new feature, the targeting computer, that is very useful in situations like these, except now they add "targeting computer efficiantcy" on the grade that you get, so you may only use this handy feature a couple of times per mission in 2-second intervels. There are also too many space missions, and i wish more would take place near the ground like the origonal.